The C4200 Programmable LED Source (PLEDS) unit is designed primarily for stimulating land-based/airborne/surface platforms in training operations, providing a highly flexible multi-color high intensity light source capable of simulating opposing force small and large arms fire.

Some of the unique features of the PLEDS are:

  • Solid State LED’s
  • Multi-Color LED Array (dynamic)
  • Programmable Intensity, Flash Sequences/Rates/Durations
  • Focused Optics
  • Field Upgradable Firmware
  • Local & Remote Operability

The C4200 Programmable LED Source is designed to support an unlimited number of flash modes using the CorNic Technologies field programmable (ARM based) 32-bit embedded controller platform.  This embedded controller exposes the following four methods of control of the C4200 unit:

  1. Analog control lines exposed through an Amphenol MIL-SPEC connector.  These lines include TTL enable/trigger, designed for control via external systems, and manual enable/trigger, designed for control via human interface.
  2. Web browser interface (if enabled).
  3. TCP/IP socket interface (if enabled).
  4. Serial COM interface (exposed via USB virtual COM, optional).

PLEDS can be configured to meet customer requirements in optics and form factor. Some example configurations:

UV-PLEDS Handheld
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