Systems Engineering & Software Solutions
Our Mission
Provide cost-effective, quick-turn training solutions.
Modern training solutions are required to prepare for today’s dynamic battlefields.
CorNic keeps pace with the electronic warfare training requirements through the design and production of communication emulation systems, electro-optic systems, RF & Microwave design, field training, and much more.

Communications Emulator for Every Training Mission
CorNic’s family of FURY systems allows operators to transmit, receive, and monitor real world communications across the world. This suite is designed to test and evaluate signal integrity across varying training scenarios. FURY seamlessly connects an operator to the hardware through easy to use software and allows mission scenarios to be built and deployed consistently.


Programmable LED Source for Optical Training
CorNic’s family of PLEDS units puts high power, optical emulators directly into the hands of our customers. These fast to market Programmable LED Sources are tailored to integrate into a variety of existing training equipment and can be highly customized for UV light, Infrared light, high power directed light, or any combination. Our PLEDS units can be designed, programmed, and controlled to accomplish any optical training mission at hand.
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FURY Real Radio

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Training our troops for the next generation of warfare
CorNic Technologies provides hardware and software solutions that help modernize today’s training environments.
Efficient vertical integration allows for rapid prototyping as well as fine tuned solutions.

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